Yu dongping, “A multi-factor decision-making model based on option games”, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2009, June: 2252-2257. IEEE(EI)
Yu dongping, “Strategic R&D investment: A game theoretic real options approach”, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2009, June: 1547-1552. IEEE(EI)
Yu dongping, Zhang yajie, “Effect of Preemption on The R&D Investment Decision”, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008, July :2094-2099. IEEE(EI)
Yu dongping, “Study of strategic investment option asymmetric exercise games equilibrium”, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008, July: 2780-2785, IEEE(EI)
余冬平,《基于二重随机因素的对称双头垄断期权博弈模型》,载《中国管理科学》, 2007年第5期。